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We at SAHARA believe that primordial and primary prevention are the best ways to tackle public health issues. We have been striving to work to bring in behavior changes to promote health in our project areas and beneficiaries.  We started our focus on this issue with supply of nutritious meal to anaganwadi and child labour schools and later improvised and developed various other activities focusing on health.


  • Conducting Health and hygiene camps for children, aged and women.

  • Epidemiological Surveys are carried in order to get a cross sectional baseline data.


  • Constructed 90 Sanitary Latrines in the villages of Kodurpaka and Varadavelli of Karimnagar Dist.

  • School sanitation Awareness Program  organized in 17 villages of Tadwai, Machareddy and Biknoor mandals of Nizamabad District.

  • Implemented eye health project for children and administered Vitamin A doses for about 1000 children from and Hyderabad, Nizamanabad, Karimnagar, Rangaredy, Adilabad regions.

  • With the support of UNICEF and PR Dept (Nizambad dist)  implemented school sanitation program including construction  and maintenance of toilets in 17 villages of Tadwai, Machareddy and Biknoor mandals of Nizamabad District.

  • Organized  Health Camps, Eye camps, Family Planning Camps, AIDS Awareness Camps, Seminars etc. Benefiting more than 100000 people.

  • Organized 80 HIV/AIDS awareness program  through TFD (theatre for development), Burrakatha, Health camps, Wall paintings/posters in all the  villages of Boinpalli Mandal  in Karimnaagar district.

  • Conducted a research with the  different age peer groups on establishing innovative HIV communication strategies and models for young people. As a part  of this program, We have conducted in-depth  interviews and focus group interviews with the most vulnerable groups including  Dommari community living near by the Sri Mahalaxmi temple at Vemulawada.

  • Awareness and counseling on HIV/AIDS- Referred suspected cases for VCTC.

  • Conducted KAP study of geriatric population on NCDs in rural and urban areas in Karimnagar district.

  • Conducted  survey on KAP on communicable disorders in  slums of Hyderabad.